29 July 2011

Keele Compass - Supporting International Students as they Transition to University Life in the UK

The team in SSDS and staff from a number of other services were treated to an excellent presentation from our latest International intern, Andrea Sell. Andrea is studying for a  Masters in Higher Education at Michigan State University and has spent the last 7 weeks working with Careers and Employability and International Student Support to deliver two really exciting  projects that will (fingers crossed) have a real impact on our students. This presentation was a great opportunity for us all to celebrate the success of Andrea's time with us, recognise the contribution she has made to the team and the share in the legacy (in her project) that she has begun.

Andrea was tasked with developing an 'Interactive On-line International Student Induction Resource'. The brief was longer than that but not by much! What we got was so much more. Andrea has developed a sophisticated resource that aims to provide our International Students (in particular those arriving after Orientation/Welcome week and at other times during the academic year) with a resource that will assist them in negotiating what can be a very difficult and challenging transition. We think that this tool will provide our students with an increased knowledge and confidence  that will have a really positive effect upon their experience as an International student at Keele.

The Presentation an be found at http://prezi.com/sjdwcofo1u_e/the-keele-compass/?auth_key=7e3b6c84af65461cc72ce2cfc8a49839dce94a96

The Keele Compass Resource will be available to students from International Orientation in September. We cannot wait to see what impact it has  - well done Andrea


13 July 2011

Returning from a Leave of Absence - getting it right second time around!

The student experience does not always follow a linear path. Students for all kinds of reasons make the decision (or have it made for them) to take some time out from University. Factors affecting decisions to leave can vary from mental ill health to financial pressures to caring responsibilities....there are many more!  It is really important that we as supporters and practitioners support all of our students as they make the difficult decision to leave and then accept and overcome the challenge of reintegrating back into life as a University student.

To support students as they prepare for there return we have produced a guide that offers advice and support and also provides important information about key services at Keele that are in place to ensure that returning to study is as seamless as it can be.

This document is in the process of being sent out to all students due to return to Keele this coming Septmeber. If you would like copies then don't hesitate to get in touch -   i.n.munton@acad.keele.ac.uk